POS LFI S-Magazin No. 5 • Deutsch

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POS LFI S-Magazin No. 5 • Deutsch

Artikel-Nr.: 200-91776

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Versandgewicht: 2 kg

  •     Frontiers: The photographer and filmmaker Francesco Carrozzini celebrates the feeling of the Wild West.
  •     An American In America: World Press Photo prizewinner Ilona Szwarc tells an enigmatic story from New York in pictures balanced between kitsch and sadness.
  •     Selling Like Hot Cakes: Fashion photographer and artist Enrique Badulescu ploughs his way through the clichés of US consumer culture with a mischievous glint in his eye.
  •     L.A. Noir: René & Radka, the photographer duo, take us to downtown Los Angeles and let actors glitter glamorously in the style of the film noir era.
  •     Photographers:Interviews with Francesco Carrozzini, Ilona Szwarc, Enrique Badulescu and René & Radka give rare insights into their ways of thinking and tell us what goes on at sets and locations.
  •     S-League: International photographers present their most recent publications. An exhibition with the Leica S-System.




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